Lightning Talks
Lightning Talks are five-minute, highly focused talks designed to showcase interesting projects, spark discussions, and ignite collaborations across a wide range of research fields. This format is an excellent opportunity to practice presentation and communication skills as speakers focus on key messages with clarity and precision versus providing the detail and depth required in a longer presentation. An expert panel will judge Lightning Talks, and a winner will be presented with an award.
Lightning Talks will be held on April 8 in the McCormick Auditorium at Norris University Center on the Evanston campus.
Graduate and undergraduate students from all disciplines at Northwestern are eligible to present a Lightning Talk.
Six speakers will be selected to present at CoDEx based on their submissions. We encourage submissions from all research areas to showcase the breadth of the research activities at Northwestern.
Submission Materials
The following materials will be required to be considered for selection:
- Title: Limit to 20 words or less.
- List of Authors: List all authors who contributed to the work presented.
- Research Abstract: Describe your key research questions and findings. Abstracts should be written for a broad audience, avoiding field-specific language and limited to 300 words or less.
- Relevance to CoDEx: Proposals should embrace the themes of computational and data-enabled innovation in big data and data science and be limited to 250 words or less. Research focusing on large volumes of data, varied data sets, efficient data processing, effective data validation, and value-driven results is preferred.
Evaluation Criteria
Judges will include Research Computing and Data Services (RCDS) staff and Northwestern researchers. Submissions will be evaluated based on their clarity and relevance to CoDEx's computational research focus, and they will be balanced based on their topics to provide a broad representation of the research activities at Northwestern.
Key Dates
- February 7: Participation Application due.
- Week of February 17: Applicants notified of acceptance.
- March 11–28: Selected speakers sign up for one coaching session and one dry-run session for their presentation. Draft slides will be due at this time. A slide template will be provided to you at the time of your acceptance.
- March 29: Invited speakers finalize their presentation in a standard template and upload slides in PDF format.
- April 8: Lightning Talk presentation at CoDEx.
Coaching and Dry-Run Sessions
Research Computing and Data Services (RCDS) staff will offer coaching and dry-run sessions to all selected speakers to help you refine your presentation and deliver an impactful talk.
How to Deliver an Impactful Talk
When writing your abstract, consider your motivation. Why are you passionate about this topic? What did you do to answer your research question, what answers did you find, and why were your results significant?
When crafting your Lightning Talk, keep your message simple, start strong, and tell a story.
Awards will be announced at the closing reception on April 8, 2025.
A $500 Visa gift card will be awarded to the winner.
Thank you to our corporate sponsors who make the awards possible.